It feels like a million years ago now, but Stroud Wayzgoose was the last event I attended before lockdown kicked in. It was, funnily enough, in Stroud across the weekend of 7th & 8th of March. I was invited, along with a motley group of other printers, book artists, and printmakers, to have a stall and also to participate in a letterpress exhibition.
Here are a few photos from the weekend. I got barely any of my table, partly because the light wasn’t great, and also because I’m always far more interested in meeting and chatting to other people and seeing their gorgeous work. It was a brilliant weekend, really well attended, and a fantastic opportunity to make new inky friends.
My table.
A view across the room, taking in Angie Butler and, in the distance, Little Gem Letterpress, who had taken a highly tempting collection of ornaments along to sell. I may have spent a chunk of my takings with her…
Pressing Matters Magazine. An excellent read; I highly recommend a subscription. John has been making some of the mag’s content available digitally during lockdown; go take a look.
Caseroom Press. I love the work Philippa does, and bought a small collection of her work. I like her thinking; a lot of it tallies with mine.
The legend that is Dennis Gould.
The Letterpress Maniacs, who print at The Letterpress Collective.
Lovely work from Jo Barnfield at House of Jo.
My work in the exhibition upstairs.
The Wayzgoose filled a room on the middle floor above Stroud Brewery, and on the top floor there was a superb exhibition of letterpress printed work, in which I was proud to show two pieces. The exhibition deserves a whole blog post of its own... (coming soon). Such a shame this had to come down early because of the pandemic. I’m looking forward to the time when these sorts of events can happen again without fear.